Guest notices: Undefined property: stdClass::$maildigest in [..]/mod/forum/lib.php

Guest notices: Undefined property: stdClass::$maildigest in [..]/mod/forum/lib.php

από Antonello Lobianco -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 1

Moodle 2.7.1+ (Build: 20140731)

Hello, I am setting a Moodle instance that requires global platform forums.

When I go to the forum index page as a guest I receive the following notices:

Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$maildigest in /srv/datadisk/www/moodle2/mod/forum/lib.php on line 8673
Notice: Undefined index: in /srv/datadisk/www/moodle2/mod/forum/lib.php on line 8673

(see attached screenshot)

I don't get the notices when I access the page as a logged-in user.

I guess it's nothing important, just I can't get the notification information if I am not logged in, but still this seems a bug as there should be a check in the code based on the type of user rather than throwing the notice..

Should hence report it as a bug ?

Συνημμένο Capture du 2014-08-02 121219.png
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