Essential 2.7.4 released

Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Number of replies: 51
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hello Moodlers,

It is with great pleasure that David and I announce the release of Essential 2.7.4:

Release notes:

- FIX: Issue #68.  Expand all not showing on Edit course settings.
- FIX: Issue #58.  Add font colour setting.
- FIX: Issue #63.  Slider caption overlap.
- FIX: Issue #66.  Link Colour Not Working.
- FIX: Issue #85.  Header logo location in RTL.
- FIX: Reverted icons back to #999.
- FIX: Alternative colour sets all now have the same CSS, docking fixed and consistent with settings.
- FIX: Moved all RTL to separate sheet from main CSS.  Sheet 'essential-rtl' uses 'flipped' technology ('grunt-css-flip') whilst 'rtl' sheet has manual styles.
- FIX: Issue #78.  Category icon issue in RTL.
- FIX: Issue #90.  XML Editor last used.
- FIX: Issue #88.  XML editor contrast issues.
- FIX: Issue #89.  Dock causes horizontal scroll bar.
- FIX: Issue #93.  Navbar / breadcrumb colour setting needed for contrast issues.
- FIX: Issue #94.  Docking centred text.
- FIX: Issue #95.  Navbar colour to far.
- FIX: Height of page header constrained when screen width < 767px and row-fluid spans go 100%.
- NEW: Alternative colour sets have text and link colour settings.
- NEW: Optimised svg's to be smaller.
- NEW: Warning about IE8 as M2.6 does not support it -
- NEW: If the page width setting is narrow and there are custom menu items the navigation bar and page adjusts to cope.
- NEW: Optimised colour setting code in lib.php.
- NOTE: If you are using an RTL language then please read the instructions in the config.php file to swap to the RTL styles manually.  As
        a code solution to swapping files does not work at the moment and combining all possible CSS into one file leads to a big file with
        lots of redundant CSS.  This presents problems when it comes to portable devices and bandwidth.

We would like to thank all of the people who have taken the time to test and provide constructive feedback on this release.

Essential is by no means finished, there is still so much to do as you can see by: - and there is so much more we would have liked to have included in this release but did not have the time.  So do you fancy contributing?  Is there some modification that you would like to share with the community?  Is there an enhancement you would like?  If so then you can:

I need to take a little break from Essential in order to progress with other real work that has suffered as a result of all the time I've expended recently.  Therefore please be patient and understanding in waiting for a response to your questions / issues.



Average of ratings: Useful (2)
In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

I seem to have broken the 'oldnavbar' setting in this release, please see: - which as a patch that fixes the navbar position to the old one.  Use at your OWN risk and always backup before using.

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Guilherme Freitas -

WOW, That looks gorgeous! You guys did a fantastic job! 

I'm real fan of Essential since its first version!

I have just one doubt... Is there a way to get the navbar full width on wide fixed mode? I don't know if it's intencional or an installation bug, but I have a navbar limited to (I guess) 1600px of width. 

Again, thank you so much for your work with Essential. It's by far the best Moodle theme that I've ever seen, visually and technically. 

In reply to Guilherme Freitas

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Guilherme,

Thank you.  I'd need to work out the navbar issue in CSS, but as I said above "I need to take a little break from Essential in order to progress with other real work that has suffered as a result of all the time I've expended recently" so do not have time.  There are two fixed width modes, one with 1200px and the other with 1600px.  The variable width extends across the whole page.

To be honest, technically it is not as good as other themes and needs improving, please read:  I would say that my other theme Shoehorn is technically better, likewise with the underlying Bootstrap version 3 and indeed Elegance all being themes that have come after Essential where the theme designers have learnt from the past.  In fact, Shoehorn is an improvement on Shoelace and Mutant Banjo, which in turn are a vast improvement on Fluffy Bunny Foot.  Progressional improvement.

Visually I think its a matter of personal preference.  I think Essential is ok, but for me Shoehorn is cleaner, crisper and more elegant.  Perhaps I'm biased.  However variety is the spice of life and we should get inspiration from all angles.



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by S. Ali -


Thanks again for the great work.

Hope you enjoy your little break and get your other tasks accomplished.

When you get back to Essential, it seems that when custom menu items are added the navbar doubles in size and when there are removed it returns to its original size. We need the custom menu items so will await a fix/workaround for this.

Many thanks.


In reply to S. Ali

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Sali,


This is intentional behaviour when the custom menu is used and the width is set to the narrow setting (1200px) for the fixed option, hence "- NEW: If the page width setting is narrow and there are custom menu items the navigation bar and page adjusts to cope.".  This is because I found that the items overflow underneath the navbar causing a mess in certain widths (the theme does need to be fully responsive now).  If you use the wide (1600px) or variable width setting then this does not happen.

If you have a better solution, then please do code it and submit a pull request on GitHub for consideration by David and I.

In the mean time I envisage that the code be further tidied up such that this issue can be clearly understood.

Kind regards,


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by S. Ali -


Thank you very much (especially on your time off).

Wide width it is then!

Just need to re-upgrade and make the necessary changes.I switched back to the previous version when I encountered the issue as it was accompanied by some colour issue with text appearing white on transparent background. But just tested the wide setting on the test moodle and it works wonderfully.

Enjoy your break!

Best regards,



In reply to S. Ali

Re: Remove Custom menu from navbar to new location - Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

I think the custom menu needs moving out of the navbar in ALL bootstrap based themes. It actually needs space of its own. Perhaps below the navbar and above the breadcrumb.

Also this way different style menu types could be designed using a renderer. Then we can redefine the menu correctly as the original custommenu in the old styled themes works better than the bootstrapbase one.

Just my thoughts, so please don't waste Gareth's time and energy in this thread.

If you say it is a good idea say so.



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Márton Bacsó -

Thank you for your hard work. Almost all of my problems are now solved. smile (the only thing which I can't change is the color of the ribbon in the slideshow section).

Have a nice summer holiday!

In reply to Márton Bacsó

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Thanks Márton, I hope I have a good summer but its not a break as I'm an independent contractor.  I'm only having a break from Essential.

If you want to change the slider caption background colour then use the CSS in the custom box:

#essentialCarousel.carousel .carousel-inner .carousel-caption {
background: rgba(48, 173, 209,.75);

Where you will need to pick the colour you want and convert each hex pair to decimal for each colour.



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by S. Ali -

Hello fellow Moodlers,


I've encountered a problem with the displaying of links on the course page. It occurs in both our test and production environments.

The links all appear with the Font Awesome fa-cogs before the link as shown below:



The links display normally elsewhere on the site.

I've located what I think is the portion of related code in the essential.css file, but not knowing much css programming I'm not sure how to rectify the problem.



Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,




In reply to S. Ali

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Heinz Schmolke -

The background repeating don't work. Today I changed from moodle 2.5 to 2.7 and there is no default background in essential 2.7.4 

I took the body.png from moodle 2.5 but it won't be repeated. There 2 settings for the background: in appearance/designs/more and in appearance/designs/essential/color settings

I used body.png in booth settings but it don't work. I have the file in the background but only one time enlarged.

Whats wrong?


Attachment body.png
In reply to Heinz Schmolke

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Heinz,

I don't know why the background has gone between versions.  The theme colour setting to use is 'pagebackground'.  I cannot remember off the top of my head if it repeats.


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Heinz Schmolke -

Thank you for the instruction.

I tested lower versions. In Version 2.7.2. the "tiles" worked find. In 2.7.3 not. I hope you can fix it.



In reply to Heinz Schmolke

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by David Bezemer -


the background changed from tiled to one image that is stretched over the entire width and height of the page.
In 2.7.5 this will be paired with transparency setting, and if time allows with a repeat option that can be used to get the old behaviour back.


In reply to David Bezemer

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Heinz Schmolke -

Thanks David.

In reply to Heinz Schmolke

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Heinz Schmolke -

How can I downgrade to a lower version. If I delete the version 2.7.4 in the themes folder and try to install a lower version (2.7.3) I get the message, that a newer version is already installed. So I can't go to my former version.

Any idea? Thanks

In reply to Heinz Schmolke

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

You will need to UNINSTALL it via Moodle by going to Site Administration > Plugins > Plugins overview

Here you have the option to uninstall the theme which will remove the theme from your site, or if you have done this then it will remove the data related to the old theme from the DataBase.

Once this has been done then you will be able to down grade to the earlier version Of the theme.



In reply to Mary Evans

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by David Bezemer -

Note that doing this will remove all settings from the theme, including colour, images, etc.

In reply to David Bezemer

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Heinz Schmolke -

Thank you but I have no uninstall link in plugins overview.

And one more question:

The marketing spots don't work with pictures. There is only a little dark dot instead of a picture. I tried to upload and I tried to link a picture with no success. For developing my site runs on localhost. Is this the reason?

Attachment essential.jpg
In reply to Heinz Schmolke

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

Well you wont see the un-install button if you have the theme selected will you?  You need to choose another theme like Clean theme, before you can delete Essential theme!

I am not sure about the images in the marketing spot.

In reply to Mary Evans

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Downgrade instructions will be in the next release.  They are:

If for any reason you wish to downgrade to a previous version of the theme (unsupported) then this procedure will inform you of how to
do so:
1.  Ensure that you have a copy of the existing and older replacement theme files.
2.  Put Moodle into 'Maintenance mode' under 'Home -> Administration -> Site administration -> Server -> Maintenance mode', so that there
    are no users using it bar you as the administrator.
3.  Switch to a core theme, 'Clean' for example, under 'Home -> Administration -> Site administration -> Appearance -> Themes ->
    Theme selector -> Default'.
4.  In '/theme/' remove the folder 'essential' i.e. ALL of the contents - this is VITAL.
5.  Put in the replacement 'essential' folder into '/theme/'.
6.  In the database, remove the row with the 'plugin' of 'theme_essential' and 'name' of 'version' in the 'config_plugins' table, then
    in the 'config' table find the 'name' with the value 'allversionhash' and clear its 'value' field.  Perform a 'Purge all caches'
    under 'Home -> Site administration -> Development -> Purge all caches'.
7.  Go back in as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification.  If needed, go to
    'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if this does not happen.
8.  Switch the theme back to 'Essential' under 'Home -> Administration -> Site administration -> Appearance -> Themes -> Theme selector ->
9.  Put Moodle out of 'Maintenance mode' under 'Home -> Administration -> Site administration -> Server -> Maintenance mode'.
In reply to S. Ali

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Linda Woodrow -

S. Ali did you ever find a resolution to this?  I am having the same issue.

In reply to Linda Woodrow

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Linda,

That will be fixed in the next release.  Hopefully in the forthcoming week, for which David and I are considering.  It was dealt with here:, specifically:


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Alex Luty -

Hi, Gareth. Good work!

Some notes:

1. If You use a greed style for categories, all cells must have the same size, as the objects of the same class. May be it's a good idea to give opportunity to user to change this size. And it's very interesting to be able to put any picture in each cell of greed. (For example as in AIGNE theme).

2. And where is the switch between grid and tree category style?... wink

3. Theme background image must have scalability such as in AIGNE theme (stretch, mosaic, may be some other). I think it's not such hard for You.

Thank You, Good luck!

In reply to Alex Luty

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Alex,

Interesting points, so:

  1. What do you mean by a 'greed style'?  With size and picture, possibly.
  2. Shoehorn already has this switch, so just a matter of making it happen in Essential.
  3. True, not hard, but again like two a matter of making it happen.  And that depends on time and how that time is supported.

From a pragmatic point of view there is a fine line between user options and bespoke customisation.  It is easily possible to exponentially increase the number of options available in a system that is COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) such that the manual that comes with the product is bigger than the product and becomes overwhelming.  The user is bombarded with option overload.  Whereas what they really want is a complete bespoke system tailored to them.

Consider physical COTS products, you purchase them as supplied with a user manual.  That manual tells you how to use it and what configuration options are available.  The options are designed for all customers to be able to customise the product to the degree where it is usable by them.  However, the product instance you have is just the same as another persons with a few settings changes.  When you get the manual you don't want to be spending a week reading / configuring before it becomes ready.

With bespoke products you first specify exactly what you want and then it is made specifically for you with what you want.  The options you specify more often than not will be a mixture of elements that everybody wants to change and those specific to you that others do not want.  And indeed the specific options would be undesirable to other users.  Bespoke products tend to cost much more and take longer to deliver.  But you get exactly what you want and you stand out from the crowd.

The same is true of themes.  Like other contributed themes, Essential comes with a range of options that are COTS friendly.  Options that everybody wants to change.  That they will not mind setting because they want to change them.  The number of options is not overwhelming or unwanted by all for the most part.  Yes, it may not have the exact options you want for your specific requirements but it will do the job.  If you want specific options then its time to employ somebody to make your changes for you to what you want without alienating other users of the COTS theme by adding options they do not want and cause option overload.

Hence it is very important to get the balance correct between the options in the COTS version and what are really bespoke options specific to an instance of the theme on one installation for a client.

Thus I am wary of adding too many options to the COTS versions of the themes I am involved in.  With Essential this involves discussion with the theme lead, David.  This is certainly true of my course formats where I consider that they are for the most part where they need to be without causing the scroll of death on the settings page.

Software needs to be functional and usable without coming with a manual that doubles as a door stop.



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by m question -

thank you for your great work

the "Issue #78. Category icon issue in RTL" still the same problem

In reply to m question

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers


Yes, thank you, we know that #78 is an still an issue.  Its related to this:

The current workaround to test please is, go to a colour setting when the language is displayed as an RTL one, change it to another colour and save the setting (if need be change the colour back).  This should regenerate the CSS cache and collated the RTL css into the output which has the fix.  NOTE: This is on the master branch and the next release - just realised!

For current release (2.7.4) please read instructions in 'config.php' file.  Which was referenced in the readme.txt file for the 2.7.4 release by the big word 'NOTE'.



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Jason Lane -

Hi all, is there a way in the 2.7.4 version of Essentials to add an additional Google Font (i.e. Imprima)? I was using the custom CSS to force/replace all fonts with Imprima in my previous version of the Essentials but this has stopped working since I installed the latest upgrade. 

Any assistance is most appreciated,


In reply to Jason Lane

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Jason,

It is possible to add another font by changing the code directly, the PHP.  However because of an issue with Firefox ( this mechanism will change in the next release.



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Floyd Saner -


How often do you send releases to the Moodle plugins directory?  I'd like to use a version with your most recent changes, but don't know how much I should trust the master branch of your github site.



In reply to Floyd Saner

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Floyd,

'master' is in development as I type.  Releases are made when David and I decide that the functionality is working sufficiently for a release to be made.  Please be patient!



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by jose m. cordero -
Hi Gareth,
With the current master version that happens to choose text color white Navigation links submenus example my courses are not. Deputy image.
Thank you very much for your work.
Sorry for the translation.

Attachment error.jpg
In reply to jose m. cordero

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Thanks Jose.  Now fixed in master.

Note to all, 'master' is the DEVELOPMENT branch and MUST not be used on a PRODUCTION server.  It is likely to have bugs and work that has not been fully tested.

Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by jose m. cordero -
Thanks Gareth,

This has been fixed and now looks perfectly content submenus. But now the color does not change when passing the mouse over the link.

I have it in production but I like the theme and programming as not at least like to tell me what you see wrong.

A greeting.

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by m question -

thank you 

I did not read big word NOTE but now I did , and it worked fine

minor issue when using Arabic language, the size of  logo increase 

thanks for your help

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Kees Koopman -


I discovered a layerproblem. See screenshot.

In reply to Kees Koopman

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

There are a number of z-index issues in Moodle already, so it is a pity that this image is not in English as it is not easy to identify exactly where this problem manifests itself and when is it triggered?

Also more importantly, if it is Moodle specific then Essential theme is not at fault, but Moodle itself.

So for clarity, can you please be more specific? What is the path taken so that we can replicate this problem?

In other words how do I get to that page and what must I do to get the dialogue box to show up on that page?



In reply to Mary Evans

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Kees Koopman -

Hai Mary,

"It is a pity that this image is not in English" ? → It is a pity that you don't understand Dutch smile smile.

Moodle > coursepage > Settings > Users > 1st choice (logged-in users ?) > Register site-groups (?) (in the right uppercorner) > screenshot.

In reply to Kees Koopman

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

There is nothing that says register site group.

Can you give me URL of the page you are on?

for example:


In reply to Kees Koopman

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Mary Evans -

Ok I have found that you need to create a cohort first and then go to course /user/enrolled users and click on Enrol Cohort

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Frances Angulo -

Is there a way to remove "messages" from the navigation menu at the top? 

In reply to Frances Angulo

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Gareth J Barnard -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Frances,

Yes there is.  Wait for the next release to be stable:



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Essential 2.7.4 released

by Frances Angulo -

Is this released? I haven't seen a change in the options for the messages menu item.