Activity: Database - URL to specific entry

Activity: Database - URL to specific entry

oleh Bezk Intos -
Jumlah balasan: 2


with Database activity, is there a way to have the URL to specific entry while in "view single" mode?

The URL goes like this: http://............../mod/data/view.php?d=30&mode=single&page=1 and it takes you to some specific entry in database in single view mode, but if you change the sort order than this parameter page=1 takes you to some other entry. It seems this "page" parameter is not fixed (doesn't refer exactly to one entry).

Is there any way to have URL to specific entry in single view mode which will always bring you exactly that entry?
Rata-rata penilaian: -
Sebagai balasan Bezk Intos

Re: Activity: Database - URL to specific entry

oleh Itamar Tzadok -

Instead of the param 'page' in the url try 'rid' with the entry id. So for entry with id 5378, try something like


hth senyum

Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (3)