Moodle documentation: Putting uploaded resources in folders

Moodle documentation: Putting uploaded resources in folders

por Andy Diament -
Número de respostas: 0
On the front page, you've got several guides to using .pdf files in English. Foreign language versions are in resource directories. Please can you create a folder for the English documentation as well.

Why bother: right click on the links gives you save link, save target as dependent on browser. From the front page, this tries to save file.php not the actually file; from a directory resource, it saves the actual file.

For lots of files, especially pdf, it's normally quicker to download and open, rather than open in a browser window.

Actually it's really that I get fed up with the time it takes acrobat reader to open files and it's quicker to download and open with Foxit pdf reader (windows) or xpdf (linux)

Actually, anyone else wonder how acrobat reader became bloatware. It's purpose in life - render .pdf files to screen. Why does it take so long to start?

Andy D
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