Generico Filter - a template maker

Re: Generico Filter - a template maker

Laura DiFiore -
THANK YOU THANK YOU! ♥ I suspected it was something simple that I was missing, but didn't realize it was in my sql!

That mostly fixed it, as I'm now getting multiple results although still only from the most recent date, but I think I know how to fix that now that you've pointed me in the right direction - it's a matter of using an id that's unique to the entire results set :D  

Edit:  Fixed it!  I needed to use - that is, id number of the question attempts as that is unique to every entry. 

I am using a short answer embedded question for stenography students to store their practice drill results and wanted a way to display their progress on the drill page itself.  Ultimately, I will have this display in a table and using the Chartist generico filter, create a chart to display their progress on each drill.  This is just the early stages of the template but now that the data is pulling and displaying properly, the rest should be straightforward for me to accomplish!

Thanks SO MUCH! ♥
