Gift question with Matjax

Gift question with Matjax

par Prima Yanuaristya,
Nombre de réponses : 2

i want to make question with gift

"\( \frac{1}{3} + \frac{3}{2} \) =...{ =1 5/6}"

\( frac{a}{b} \) is use to mathjax. How corect the question?

Moodle version 2.5

From Indonesian

Moyenne des évaluations: -
En réponse à Prima Yanuaristya

Re: Gift question with Matjax

par Jean-Michel Védrine,

Hello Prima,

The problem is that some characters in your formula are also control characters in the GIFT format so they must be escaped using backslash. See this documentation.

For this reason it is not easy to write math question with TeX formulas using the GIFT format.

When you don't know how to write something using GIFT syntax, you can use Moodle to create a question with that text in it and export it as GIFT to see how it must be written. That helps a lot to learn complicated things in GIFT syntax.

Tihis is what I did copying and pasting your formula in a question, exporting it as GIFT and I got:

\\( \\frac\{1\}\{3\} + \\frac\{3\}\{2\} \\)