Show Quiz Right Answers

Show Quiz Right Answers

autor Loudy MD. -
Počet odpovědí: 4


I have created a quiz and I set 3 attempts for the quiz.

and the grading for the highest mark.

Now: the correct answer shows after the first attempt. how I can show the correct answers only after the 3rd attempts. because now if they did any wrong the will have the answers and then when they do it again they will get 100% which is not logical at all.

What is the best practices for that?


Please help thanks

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V odpovědi na Loudy MD.

Re: Show Quiz Right Answers

autor Mark Hardwick -

I don't believe that's possible.  A while back we set up three quizzes of the same (1, 2, and 3) and changed the results each time.  The first one was just a grade.  The second one told them right or wrong and the third one gave them the answer if they missed it.

It was a hassle setting up that many quizzes so we ditched the idea after a short time.  I would like to know if there's a way to do what your wanting to do but I'm afraid the answer is it can't be done.

We use Moodle 2.6


V odpovědi na Mark Hardwick

Re: Show Quiz Right Answers

autor Loudy MD. -

I think the attempts time is really not useful because if any one set x amount of attempts and after doing the first quiz he/she can see the correct answers, and then they can copy the correct answers and redo the quiz to get the full mark.

So there is no use of the number of attempts really in this, and I think they should remove the number of attempts or they need to work around this.

I will use one attempt for each quiz for now. because really I can not see any use of many attempts.



V odpovědi na Loudy MD.

Re: Show Quiz Right Answers

autor Mark Hardwick -

We now use three attempts but we have the performance set to "adaptive mode" where they have to find the answer rather than just showing it to them.  If you wanted you could make two quizzes just alike and set the first one to grade only and the second one to adaptive mode so if they are still missing it they can keep trying until they find the answer.  Just a thought....

Even though I would like to have two or three attempts and set the last one to show the answer, the one thing I like about Moodle is there are many options to accommodate various users.  So if you don't want multiple attempts for a certain quiz (like we do for our final exam) then you can set it to one attempt only.


V odpovědi na Loudy MD.

Re: Show Quiz Right Answers

autor Tim Hunt -
Obrázek: Core developers Obrázek: Documentation writers Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázek: Peer reviewers Obrázek: Plugin developers

This is not currently possible.

As well as your concern "if they did any wrong the will have the answers and then when they do it again they will get 100%" there is another concern: "If one student does all three attempts quickly, then they can get the answer and tell all their friends who will then get 100%."

Therefore, the option we have in the quiz settings, under Review options, is to only display the Correct answers after the quiz close date has passed.

However, you ask about best practice. A better approach is . If you do that, then when the student re-attempts the quiz, they will get a similar but different question, which is a better test of whether they understood the mistake they made the first time.