lost some admin rights

lost some admin rights

Keith Rupnikdən -
Number of replies: 1

Moodle 2.5.2

CentOS 5.8, Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.3.18, MySQL 14.14

I downloaded 2.6 into another directory, then made the mistake of going to 2.6 which did some type of redirect to my 2.5.2.

This messed up my front page for the 2.5.2 by resetting the theme's image in the header. I took care of that and "all" seemed to work. But now...

When I log in as admin, the links to "Site Administration" and "My profile setttings" are dead. I downloaded an tried adminfix.php from another post to no avail. 

I also have looked at my moodle logs (site-error_log), Apache log file, php log file and see nothing. With each log file I did  a "tail -f" command to see what errors were logged when trying to click on the above links.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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In reply to Keith Rupnik

Re: lost some admin rights

Keith Rupnikdən -

The problem has been solved by purging the cache. Since I couldn't access the purge cache from site, someone on the forum mentioned using search to find it and it worked.