Quiz with limited avaiable seats

Quiz with limited avaiable seats

per Marco Manzalini -
Nombre de respostes: 2

Is there a way to limit a quiz to N seats?

I would like to have a quiz, which can be done only by the first 2 students, and the it will be closed.

Moodle 2.6

Mitjana de qualificacions: -
En resposta a Marco Manzalini

Re: Quiz with limited avaiable seats

per Mary Cooch -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Moodle HQ Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Testers Imatge Translators

How about using Conditional activities, Activity completion and the Choice module?

  1. Ensure you have conditional activities and completion tracking enabled in your site/course
  2. Make a choice with just one choice "Sign up for the Quiz" Restrict the number of people allowed to make the choice to two.
  3. Set the activity completion to "when conditions are met" and the condition is "students must make a choice"
  4. Go to your quiz and set the Restrict access condition to - quiz will become available once Choice is marked complete..
  5. The first two people to go to the Choice module and click the "Sign up for the "Quiz" button will get it marked complete and that will open up the Quiz. Any third or later person going to the Choice will not be able to sign up because only two places were allowed. Because they cannot complete the activity, the quiz will not become visible to them and they can't do it.
En resposta a Mary Cooch

Re: Quiz with limited avaiable seats

per Marco Manzalini -

In fact, this is a nice workaround, I've been using activity completion and conditional but I didn't think about Choice module.
It is maybe not very elegant, but it does the job properly.

Thank you Mary, it helped me alot Somrient