Students Opening Quiz in Two Browsers

Students Opening Quiz in Two Browsers

Höfundur Blair F. -
Number of replies: 3
Mynd af Particularly helpful Moodlers

A number of times now, we've had student quiz attempts with empty answers.  I've managed to track it down to the fact that -- for some unknown reason -- they open up two browsers  (for example one Firefox, one Chrome) and open the quiz attempt in BOTH browsers.  Then they enter their answers in one of them, but when they close (almost simultaneously) the one they left blank is the one that's saved and the one that had all the answers returns the attached error message.  UGH! 

I don't know how or why they do this in the first place, but has anyone got any ideas on how to prevent this from happening?  I tried playing with different settings, such as forcing a delay between attempts, hoping that Moodle would prevent a second opening of the quiz, but all it did in the second browser was show "in progress" and allow to "continue attempt."

Attachment QuizAttemptClosed.PNG
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In reply to Blair F.

Re: Students Opening Quiz in Two Browsers

Höfundur Emma Richardson -
Mynd af Documentation writers Mynd af Particularly helpful Moodlers Mynd af Plugin developers

My guess is that they are trying to cheat - either they are looking up the answers in the second browser, or if you have random questions, looking for a better set.  Tell them not to do it would be my response!

Meðaltal dóma:Useful (1)
In reply to Emma Richardson

Re: Students Opening Quiz in Two Browsers

Höfundur Blair F. -
Mynd af Particularly helpful Moodlers

No, that's not at all what is happening.  Trust me.  The other browser has the quiz open.  If they were looking up answers in the other browser, there would be no need to have the quiz open twice.

The point is that I'm hoping for a technical way of dealing with it.

In reply to Blair F.

Re: Students Opening Quiz in Two Browsers

Höfundur Mark Hardwick -

You might try to click the browser security that says "Full screen pop up with some java script security"  We use Respondus Lock Down Browser but there's times when I've used this setting when we had technical issues surrounding an upgrade and Respondus was down for a day or so.  There's also "Safe Exam Browser" that goes a step beyond the java script security option.  I've never used it because we use Respondus but I think it's come a long way in the last year or so.  

Meðaltal dóma:Useful (1)