Need help with grade criteria

Need help with grade criteria

ដោយ David Manning នៅ
ចំនួនតប៖ 0

Hi all, 


Looking for some help with grade criteria. I'm on Moodle 2.5.3. Learners are to complete a SCORM module within a topics-format course. Upon completing the module, SCORM reports back complete/incomplete data to Moodle. I want the gradebook to show a score of 1 to people who complete the course, and a score of 0 to people who haven't yet completed it. 

However, I'm noticing people are sometimes getting a score of 1 even when they have "not attempted" the module. For example, see the third user in this report:

grader error


The SCORM package settings are as follows: 

scorm settings


The Course Completion settings, which I think shouldn't affect the SCORM object's scoring, are as follows: 

course completion settings



What have I done wrong here? Any help would be appreciated!