Scorm Not Loading on some PC's

Scorm Not Loading on some PC's

by Nikki LM -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 3

Hi I'm looking for any help or advice.

I've got a set of Microsoft training scorm packages, they are working fine for some users and not for others. When entering a scorm package the page opens but it just stays on loading, I've attached a screenshot of what I mean.

I've turned API logging on and tested on PC that is working and one that isn't. That information is also attached.

I've tried on Chrome 33.0.1750.149, Internet Explorer  11.0.9600.16518 and Safari 5.1.7 which aren't working for me. 

Moodle 5.2.5

Thanks for taking the time to read this, any help at all would be greatly appreciated.


ပျှမ်းမျှအဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ချက်များ: -
Nikki LM ထံသို့ အကြောင်းပြန်ရာတွင်

Re: Scorm Not Loading on some PC's

by Edgar Garcia -

Hi Nikki,


I have run into this issue with end-users as well.  It turns out that browser platforms are being difficult with the flashplayer plugin (especially the latest releases of safari), apparently in an attempt to force/pigeon-hole everyone into HTML5 without regard for the e-learning community.  The problem is that most authoring tools publish SWF outputs, and even when you wrap/publish for HTML5, any flash-based interactive widgets/content that you create/insert become sketchy.  (see this article:


Anyhoot, I would suggest end-users experiencing this issue to have the latest flash player and java plugins installed on their computers, along with accessing Moodle using Mozilla or IE (as crazy as THAT sounds, though I have not tested with IE11).  Also personal popup blockers/firewalls may pose an issue, BUT I would suggest presenting these solutions as At-Your-Own-Risk if users are using their personal computing devices (for liability purposes).



Edgar Garcia ထံသို့ အကြောင်းပြန်ရာတွင်

Re: Scorm Not Loading on some PC's

by Nikki LM -

Hi Edgar,

Thank you for the prompt response. 

I'm surprised that it's best accessing Moodle using I.E, but luckily that's the only browser deployed within our institution. I've tried updating browser, java and flash and reseting I.E back to default. Still no luck, do you have any other ideas that may help?


Again many thanks for your help.
