Quizzes for self-evaluation

Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Beatriz Rojo -
Number of replies: 7


I work with Moodle 2.6.

My question has to do with the Gradebook and with Quizzes. I would like to have self-evaluation quizzes. I don't want these quizzes to be added to the Gradebook, because they are just to "auto-check" the knowledge. The only possiblity I know is to edit the content of the quizz and manually change the grade for each question to 0, so that the quizz has no grade (0) and it is therefore out from the Gradebook.

I don't think this is the prettiest solution, because I think it help students to see a grade, even if the quiz is for orientation.

Does anyone know any other way to have quizzes with grade but out of the gradebook?



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Beatriz Rojo

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Kay Oxenham -

I think it's just a question of where you 'send' the marks when you set up the quiz initially. Can you set up a category in gradebook called 'uncategorised' and then not include it in the coursework?

Average of ratings: Useful (3)
In reply to Kay Oxenham

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Beatriz Rojo -

Thanks for your quick and useful reply, Kay! I did so. I guess I also have to hide the "Uncategorised" category and set its grade to 0. Am I right?

In reply to Beatriz Rojo

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Kay Oxenham -

Glad to help. Yes, that should work.

Perhaps some more experienced Moodlers will jump in here and advise us if we're wrong! smile

Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Kay Oxenham

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by dawn alderson -

Ladies, hi

not that experienced I am afraid but know a bit smile 

I found this thread really helpful thanks, filled some gaps in my knowledge.

One thing, I don't know about you, but did you find it confusing where to post this item? I mean tis Quiz and gradebook....I struggle with where to post sometimes....and also when threads go off on a bit of a tangent but there can still be a connection between the poster and responder, you know when there is still a shared understanding....I am not sure about when that thread gets interferred with....crumbs! Confusing eh!

Sigh, feels a bit like Peter Pan, Tink and the lost girls here mixed

I think the UI could be better, clearer instructions on the front page perhaps to enhance the user experience.

Just some thoughts,




In reply to dawn alderson

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Beatriz Rojo -

Dear Dawn,

I didn't think about where to post this question, I just shot it! smile I didn't know it exists a category for quizzes. It makes sense to post such questions there. So I was not confused, I was just too quick!



In reply to Kay Oxenham

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Stuart Mealor -

Yes, good suggestion from Kay, that should work very nicely smile

In reply to Beatriz Rojo

Re: Quizzes for self-evaluation

by Ann Morgan -

I often use the questionnaire activity for self evaluation and give 2 points upon submission ...showing it as complete. If I don't want it to be calculated I put it in a weighted category (0%) It seems to work!