Moving activities created in lesson plugin and moodle quizzes to TaskChain

Re: Moving activities created in lesson plugin and moodle quizzes to TaskChain

door Gordon Bateson -
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Hello David,
it was fun to meet up at Japan MoodleMoot last week glimlach

You could create a similar sequence of tasks using TaskChain. This would have several advantages: (1) you would have fewer links on the course page, (2) you would keep all your files in a single file area, (3) you could control the pre-conditions and post-conditions centrally (i.e. from a single "Edit tasks" page in TaskChain instead of the "Edit" page for each Lesson, Label and Quiz), and (4) you would not need to reset conditions manually.

However, you already have things set up and running, so the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" may well apply.

So how about trying to set up a TaskChain to mimic one of your current exercises and see how it looks and feels? You are welcome to experimment on my test server, then everyone can have a look and possibly add suggestions and feedback:

If you were to redo the chain (=sequence of tasks) with Hot Potatoes activities, I suggest you try something like the following:

  • JQuiz (with Reading)
    there could be several of these, each with the following post-conditions:
    • >= 60% next quiz
    • otherwise same quiz
  • HTML file
    containing simply a link to the mp3 file
  • JQuiz
    this is the main quiz, it would have the following post-conditions
    • >= 60% end of chain
    • otherwise same quiz 

You can se tthe score weighting of the JQuiz (with reading) to be something low (like 5%) and the weighting of the HTML file to be 0%, and the weighting of the final JQuiz to be high, so that students are encouraged to progress to the final JQuiz.

Set the "Next activity" for the TaskChain to be the next TaskChain in the course, and require a grade of 60% to proceed.


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