recurrent courses

Re: recurrent courses

yazan Shannon Sookochoff -
Yanıt sayısı: 0

I am working with a problem like this and have been for 6 years with different solutions.  Based on the conversation so far, my  issue may be different than yours but I will tell you anyway.

My challenge has been to give date specific timelines to groups of learners running on different timelines. For example,  I have full year, sem 1, sem 2, and summer students all in the same moodle course.  I tried copying the course, but that made course revisions quite horrible to manage.  So, I have opted for groups and groupings plus an external calendar that we link to the moodle course.  

Here are the bare bones:  

  • I have a course organize in activity clusters that take about 3 hours each.  Each one is in a section (for full year, the section is one week of work, for semester kids two sections are one week, and for summer, two sections are one day).  
  • All of our assignments are dumped into the external calendar (contained in our LOCKER) .  There I link each assessment item to a date in a calendar for each learning group.  That gives a timeline to each group.  I can customize each student's timeline within that based on starting late.  Our technical guy is pretty clever. 
  • The groupings then help me to focus student attention of their next activity by revealing only the next few weeks of work at a time.  This is triggered by larger assessment pieces like unit tests.  

I hope this helps.  I will be posting my own question here regarding making conditional restrictions easier to edit en masse.  
