Cognitive Factory module upgrade in progress

Cognitive Factory module upgrade in progress

Valery Fremaux གིས-
Number of replies: 0
Plugin developers གི་པར

Hi !

i'm running out a sprint to get this Cognitive Factory redrawn and beta released soon. 

For reference :

Cognitive Factory is a cognitive workshop allowing to generate a smart set of cognitive exercises around a set of inputs. Originally known as the old Brainstorm module in 1.9, it has developped now a subplugin structure allowing to create and extend the "cognitive operators" proposed in standard.

Exercices can ask people to work on common mind operations that develops mental strength such as :

  • sorting ideas by order
  • valuating ideas or concepts with relative pounds
  • Eliminating irrelevant or less pregnant ideas from a starting set
  • Categorizing ideas into discrete semantic sets
  • Reducing spread ideas with a "choose or merge a synthesis" operation
  • Mapping ideas on a 2D valuated map
  • Hierarchizing ideas into an organized tree

And some other

Each exercice can be setup independantly and may have behaviour settings to refine exercice or requirements.

All kind of operators can be enabled at the same time on the same ideas collection. 

Each "phase" of the work can be either assigned to teacher or to student, allowing to build very different activity scenarios.

the module is still in beta and developement. What we focus is that the module will allow both individual work, but also socio-constructivist workshop with user results interaction being calcualted and dispayed for open debate.

First shoots of the brains storm should be released within 5/7 days

this is another MyLearningFactory Learning Innovation contribution to Moodle !

Cheers ! 

དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -