Can't connect to MySQL server on OS X Server

Can't connect to MySQL server on OS X Server

- Julian Clementson の投稿
返信数: 2
Looking forward to getting this running on our OS X Server, but I'm getting this error when accessing /admin/index.php:

Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

I have MySQL installed and running, but doing mysqladmin version says that its socket is /var/database/mysql/mysql.sock rather than the default /tmp/mysql.sock

Should I change the socket setting in mysql or should I change it in php/moodle? And how do I change it? (I'm not using MySQL for anything else.)

Many thanks for any advice offered,
Julian Clementson への返信

Re: Can't connect to MySQL server on OS X Server

- Martin Dougiamas の投稿
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The best thing to do is change your php.ini (you can use locate to find it, or a PHP file containing <? phpinfo() ?> )
  mysql.default_socket = /var/database/mysql/mysql.sock

You could probably also make a symbolic link:
  ln -s /var/database/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock
Martin Dougiamas への返信

Re: Can't connect to MySQL server on OS X Server

- Julian Clementson の投稿

There is no php.ini file in OS X, and I couldn't face searching for that string, so I tried the
ln -s
method, and all is now well!

Many thanks indeed,