Web Service for LTI/Grade

Web Service for LTI/Grade

autor debo sotnas -
Počet odpovědí: 1


How can I create a service for LTI-Grading ? (if it's neccesary)


I'm follow these guides talking about "how to create web service":


I've an external content loaded by using "External Tools"/"LTI Consumer" and I need that from my external content call to moodle to save an specific score (into gradebook).

External Tools, send to my external content (when External Tools is loaded) the follow end point:

How can consume this service ? To create a token to consume, I need a service name, but I can't found and I can't create that token.

Can you help me please ?

Thanks in advance


POST-EDIT: I've seen that http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Web_services_Roadmap present the "mod_assign_save_grade" function but I have 2.5.2 moodle version, without this "mod_assign_save_grade", exist other approach/way that can I do that I need ?


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