How to allow parents to view all courses (or any courses)

How to allow parents to view all courses (or any courses)

дэргэд Steve Rainwater -
Хариу нийтлэлийн тоо: 0

We need to set up Moodle such that a parent is able to view any course regardless of whether their associated student is enrolled in the course. I've followed the parent role set up in the documentation and all it bought us is a way for the parent to view some information about their particular student but they can't even view courses their student is enrolled in (trying to view any course when logged in as a parent results in the error "You can not enroll yourself in this course"). I don't need the parent to be enrolled in the course, just to be able to view it. I've looked through the role capabilities list but don't see anything obvious like a "view all courses" capability. Any suggestions on how I can do this? 

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