Mandatory question to pass in the quiz

Mandatory question to pass in the quiz

by James R M -
Number of replies: 0


     We are using Moodle 2.3.2 for the past 2 years successfully. Now that, a requirement has come, that,

    a.  We have a questionnaire (quiz) which contains 20 multi-choice questions.

    b.  50 % has to be scored to pass the quiz. ( each question 1 mark )

    c.  In that quiz, specific 5 questions are mandatory and has to be answered correctly, by the user to get passed.   Meaning, if the user has given wrong answer for any one of these 5 questions, he should be treated as failed only, irrespective of all other answers being correct.

Hope I have explained our requirement to my best.

We have to create similar quizzes for various other subjects also.

 Anybody who can help us in configuring this requirement in the quiz ? or guide us, in case we have to customize in source code.

Thanks in advance.

James R M

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