Adding TinyMCE themes and plugins

Adding TinyMCE themes and plugins

Höfundur Julian Ridden -
Number of replies: 4

Howdy all. With bootstrap now becoming all the rage I am wanting to create two plugins for Moodle's tinyMCE editor. A bootstrap based skin and a bootstrap styling plugin.

Is there a way I can create these as Moodle plugins that could be installed without editing core?


Meðaltal dóma:Useful (1)
In reply to Julian Ridden

Re: Adding TinyMCE themes and plugins

Höfundur Mauno Korpelainen -


what kind of tinymce plugins are you planning? What should they do?

If you are just planning to change tinymce skins or skin variants it does not require new plugins (or changes to core code).

Download or create a new tinymce (bootstrap) skin - see for example or attached file and unzip/move it to lib/editor/tinymce/tiny_mce/version_of_tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/

You can activate this skin from site administration in moodle 2.5:

Add to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE HTML editor > General settings > Custom configuration

{"skin" : "bootstrap"}

and press Save changes

(supposing you don't want to edit any core files)


Meðaltal dóma:Useful (1)
In reply to Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Adding TinyMCE themes and plugins

Höfundur Julian Ridden -

Mauno, you pick my interest correctly. I was wanting to take that skin and apply it to Moodle. Was just starting investigations and was seeing what needed to be done to get it to irk in Moodle. If it is this simple then I am ecstatic. Will contact the original author for permission (or see if they will submit it themselves) to the plugins DB for use in Moodle Bootstrap sites.

The other plugin I was wanting to adapt for Moodle was which allows users to easily add Bootstrap elements into their pages.
