Books vs Lessons

Books vs Lessons

by Alexandro Colorado -
Number of replies: 4

I was watching this video on youtube and I would like to question what is the difference between the lessons and the Book activity. I will argue (judging by the video) that the navigation would be advantage, but lessons also have these navigation benefits as well as other resources like upload functions.

Please look at minute 10:38 as he mention that the advantage is the navigability against lessons.

I personally like lessons because I am able to extract a lot of information about it.

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In reply to Alexandro Colorado

Re: Books vs Lessons

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Which video please?

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Books vs Lessons

by Alexandro Colorado -

The video is embeded on the post. For some reason it doesnt show anymore.

In reply to Alexandro Colorado

Re: Books vs Lessons

by Wen Hao Chuang -

Hi Alexandro,

I think the key difference is that "Book" module can make chapters for easier browsing and navigation (although sometimes might be a bit too linear), while the "Lesson" module would provide much more interactivity, and focus more on the ability to embed simple questions (especially multiple choice questions) inside of the Lesson module. Here is a good article:

I have a quick question for Mary and other Lesson gurus though. Is there any advantages (or disadvantages) in terms of "accessibility" between the Book module and Lesson module? Have these two tools been heavily tested against some of the mainstream screen readers such as JAWS? Can we say Book (in general) is more accessible than Lesson module (or are they equally good)? Also is the PDF file generated in Book module considered as "accessible" PDF files? Thanks!


Average of ratings:Useful (2)
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Books vs Lessons

by Russell Waldron -

Strong reasons to use Books whenever controlled branching is not required:

For authors: Maintainability. It is truly hard for most people to edit a lengthy Lesson and understand the path through different types of pages. The entire Lesson is displayed on screen after every page-edit.

For learners: Immersion. Much more of the screen is wasted (unavailable for content) in a Lesson, than in a Book chapter. Some HTML layout does not work as well in Lesson as in Book.