Notifying users of blank answers before final submission Moodle 1.5

Notifying users of blank answers before final submission Moodle 1.5

por Dennis Daniels -
Número de respostas: 2
Testing the new Moodle 1.5 quiz interface and the ability to limit the number of questions per page.

It's a great new feature but it doesn't warn students of empty values in their answers. I think a javascript function that checks that each question has an answer value and warns users otherwise would really help.

If you've a moment, review the movie to see what I'm referring to.


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Em resposta à Dennis Daniels

Re: Notifying users of blank answers before final submission Moodle 1.5

por Gustav W Delius -
Good suggestion. And nice demo! If you have the time, please go ahead and check out the new quiz module code (still in the MOODLE_15_QUIZREFACTOR branch in CVS) and give me feedback on the interface there. When I get home I will have a look at implementing your suggestion (I am not sure yet whether it might not be easier to do it server-side rather than with javascript).