Adding translations through Google Docs?

Adding translations through Google Docs?

par Rachel Fransen,
Nombre de réponses : 0

I've created a connection between my Moodle installation and a third-party application which is using Google Doc files to store their different languages/translations. 

I would like to display content from that app on a custom Moodle page that I will create. I would also like to use the text and translations directly from the Google Doc, so I don't have to manually type it out in Moodle (I fully know how to use the Language tools in Moodle, but it's some manual labor I'd like to avoid). 

So my question to the community is:  has anyone had experience pulling language-specific text from a Google doc to display on a Moodle page? Anyone know of a plugin that could achieve that? 

I know it's a huge question, but I thought to ask the community first before I commit to creating a plugin myself for this. Thanks!

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