IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Martín Langhoff -
Número de respostas: 8

With the present state of Sakai, it seems to me that is all it would take to show that Sakai is very pre-beta with many critical LMS features missing or poorly implemented (the forums being the worst), while Moodle is a mature product, ready to go out of the box.

Agreed. I've been hanging out in the 'dev' course of SAKAI and the tool isn't there yet -- hell, it's barely out the gates. The 1.5 thing is clearly version number inflation (evil edit: to put it ahead of Moodle version numbering?). That in itself may be an indication of priorities, hopefully not.

I don't think there are any java/jsp sites the scale of yahoo?

There aren't, of course. All the big scalability game is using different LAMP variations: mod_perl, mod_python and mod_php on Apache. Databases see more variety, mostly mySQL or Postgres but also some really high-end stuff sometimes. This is the stuff that powers Yahoo, Google, Amazon, eBay... and Moodle.

As you rightly say, there's been enough time for all the tools to mature and show their abilities, Java included. And Java's scalability isn't there, and variations on the LAMP stack are what is being used industry-wide.

WRT the NZ cluster: it is hosting several campuses now, though none as large as the one for The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. And it's working just fine on 4 finely-tuned servers. Last week I was running projections on a 10-fold usage, and the conclusion I arrived to was that we need larger hard drives, and perhaps an extra server assuming performance doesn't improve.

And I mention that because as traffic has increased, server load has decreased, month over month, because I keep finding things to tweak sorriso

En resposta a Martín Langhoff

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Don Hinkelman -
Imaxe de Plugin developers
>>And I mention that because as traffic has increased, server load has decreased, month over month, because I keep finding things to tweak...

Amazing!  Where can I order the "Martin Langhoff Guide to Moodle Server Tweaking"? chiscadela
En resposta a Don Hinkelman

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Martin Dougiamas -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Documentation writers Imaxe de Moodle HQ Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers Imaxe de Testers
En resposta a Martin Dougiamas

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Don Hinkelman -
Imaxe de Plugin developers
Fantastic! Right next to the "Martin Dougiamas Guide to Moodle Module Coding". chiscadela

[Hint#1 (p.27): Don't borrow the same tables for one module that you use in another.]

I have ordered two copies of each. But check out for even better versions. chiscadela
En resposta a Don Hinkelman

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Vu Hung -

Hi Don,

Could you put the link here? I can not find it at


En resposta a Vu Hung

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Martin Dougiamas -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Documentation writers Imaxe de Moodle HQ Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers Imaxe de Testers
What I meant was that many of the optimisations Martin L mentioned are now in Moodle itself.
En resposta a Vu Hung

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Martín Langhoff -

I think people are joking ;)

There isn't a Martin Langhoff Performance Tuning Guide yet. But if you read old threads in the Servers and Performance forum, and perhaps ask some questions, you'll learn a thing or two about server tuning.

Although there is a hidden message in MD's linking to the download page, I suspect. Download the very latest 1.4.5+ to get the best performance -- all my PHP code tweaks end in Moodle. Read the release notes and config-dist.php -- there may be some clues there.

I've also added a few tricks in 1.5 for developers and admins to have an explicit feedback with key performance indicators in each page. A tight feedback loop is way more effective than me whining about bad performance.

En resposta a Martín Langhoff

Re: IBM adopts open source educational software SAKAI

por Michael Penney -
Hi Martin, thanks for the new performance info (and codecool).

About how many users do you have on the NZVLE cluster now?
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