LDAP Enrolment not working

LDAP Enrolment not working

από Jason Spencer -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

We have moodle users authenticating successfully using LDAP. (Windows AD) We are having issues with the LDAP course enrolment not working.

I have for example a course named “Test Course 1” with a Course ID number of “COURSE01” and a student account in AD named “student1”

LDAP Authentication is set to set the ID Number as the sAMAccountName

In the LDAP Enrolment we have ID number attribute set as sAMAccountName

Object class: (objectClass=group)

ID Number: cn

In the student OU we have a group named “COURSE01” and the student1 account is a member of this group

Our understanding is we have the course setup with the ID Number, a group exists in AD with the student a member of the group. When the student logs into moodle, moodle looks to see that a group exists that matches a course ID, the user is then auto enrolled as their sAMAccountName is a member of the group.

If anyone is available to advise or correct our understanding we would be grateful.

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