1.9.4 is it possible to block individual users from posting?

1.9.4 is it possible to block individual users from posting?

per Debbie Kay -
Nombre de respostes: 2


Is it possible to block an individual user from posting on the forums in 1.9.4?

I cannot find anything in the search and would appreciate any guidance.

Many thanks

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En resposta a Debbie Kay

Re: 1.9.4 is it possible to block individual users from posting?

per Mary Cooch -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Moodle HQ Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Testers Imatge Translators

I think your best option would be to create a new role (named such as ForumNoPosts) and set to prohibit any capabilities related to posting and replying in forums (eg mod/forum:replypost for one) and then (as you are on 1.9) assign the relevant individual to this role via Assign system roles.

En resposta a Mary Cooch

Re: 1.9.4 is it possible to block individual users from posting?

per Debbie Kay -

Hi Mary

Thanks so much for your suggestion!

I had tried that, but for a reason I have not yet been able to work out, when assigned to the new role the student does not appear as enrolled in the course at all.

I will have another go, now an expert has suggested it as the option - thanks again Somrient
