Essay Questions in 1.5

Essay Questions in 1.5 (Word count limit)

av Josep M. Fontana -
Antal svar: 0

I wonder whether the following is possible: in the essay question, whether it is through the lesson module or the future quiz module, I'd like to have a way of limiting the number of words the students can use in their answers. Very often I give them a limit for their essays, but they rarely pay attention to this limit. I guess it is as hard for them as it is for me to figure out whether they have gone beyond the limit. Could some function be included in the essay question whereby the teacher establishes the limit and then the student cannot use more than this amount of words when s/he answers?

I don't have a lot of money left from my project, but if this is possible and the price is right, I'd be happy to commission you to work on this feature.

Josep M.
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