how sql query with moodle

how sql query with moodle

بواسطة - stephane ngov
عدد الردود: 5

Hi  all I want try sql query this


SELECT COUNT(*) as nb ,U.lastname
FROM mdl_user U
INNER JOIN mdl_log L
ON = L.userid
AND L.module = 'user' AND L.action='login'
GROUP BY L.userid order by nb desc


how can write in php ?

i try this

$result = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) as nb ,U.lastname
FROM mdl_user U
INNER JOIN mdl_log L
ON = L.userid
AND L.module = 'user' AND L.action='login'
GROUP BY L.userid order by nb desc');


but moodle cant' read bdd

thinks for reply مبتسم





متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على stephane ngov

Re: how sql query with moodle

بواسطة - Alexandr Zhuikov

Try this:

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nb ,U.lastname FROM {user} U INNER JOIN mdl_log L ON = L.userid AND L.module = 'user' AND L.action='login' GROUP BY L.userid order by nb desc";

$result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
رداً على Alexandr Zhuikov

Re: how sql query with moodle

بواسطة - stephane ngov

thanks مبتسم

is your script ok


$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nb ,U.lastname
FROM {user} U
INNER JOIN mdl_log L ON = L.userid
AND L.module = 'user'
AND L.action='login'
GROUP BY L.userid order by nb desc";
echo $sql;
$result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);




How i can integer in layout moodle ? How My own layout moodle ?


I try this but I use Layout rapport



$id      = optional_param('id', $SITE->id, PARAM_INT);
$page    = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);

$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$id), '*', MUST_EXIST);


$context = context_course::instance($course->id);

if ($course->id == SITEID) {
    admin_externalpage_setup('reportloglive', '', null, '', array('pagelayout'=>'report'));
    echo $OUTPUT->header();

echo "<h1>Nombre total de connexion par membres </h1>";

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nb ,U.lastname FROM {user} U INNER JOIN mdl_log L ON = L.userid AND L.module = 'user' AND L.action='login' GROUP BY L.userid order by nb desc";

$result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);

$query = $bdd->query($sql);
echo "
<tr class='entete'>
<td >nom</td><td '>nombre  de connexion</td>
while($tuple = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>".$tuple->lastname."</td>";
    echo "<td>".$tuple->nb."</td>";
    echo "</tr>";

echo "</table>";

echo $OUTPUT->container_end();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();



How a can call header, block and footer ?



رداً على stephane ngov

Re: how sql query with moodle

بواسطة - Alexandr Zhuikov

In my script:

replace ... INNER JOIN mdl_log L ON = L.userid ...

with ... INNER JOIN {log} L ON = L.userid ...

It'll be work fine, when you want to change DB table's prefix.

رداً على stephane ngov

Re: how sql query with moodle

بواسطة - Hubert Chathi

Your problem is that you are using single quotes to surround your query string, but you have single quotes within the string, so PHP can't parse it properly.

By the way, make sure you have developer debugging turned on, so that you get more detailed error messages.