Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން
Number of replies: 14

Hi Moodlers,

I am using moodle 2.4 ,this behaviour already exisits in grade reports module , but i want to use the same functionality at some other place in moodle .If can you assist mit would be great

i wanted to obtain some thing like this from the database . How to obtain such result from the database as of student of that particular quiz .

I wanted to get this type of result from the database .

Anyhelp would be a great start to me .


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In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

anyone can help me with this ???

In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Emma Richardson - ން
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If you look at the php file that generates this page, it should give you the query or something close at least.

In reply to Emma Richardson

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

Its very confusing with overview_table.php .

In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Fabrizio Ciommei - ން

This topic could be useful for my activity...does anyone replies to the original question with, for example, a SQL statement or something similar?

It could be helpful for me too.

Thanks for the collaboration.



In reply to Fabrizio Ciommei

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

I am also waiting for help , it would be great is someone helps us with the sql or api .


PS : I will try my best to keep this post on the top of the board .So more moodlers can see this and more chances of getting responce or required result.

In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Joseph Rézeau - ން
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One reason why this post does not get responses is probably that is it not clear what the original poster wants to achieve. Re-stating the question might help.

"Keeping the post on top of the board" is probably not the best strategy.ވިންކް (އެއް ލޯ މެރި)


In reply to Joseph Rézeau

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

We wanted to achieve individual question wide reports , similar to  what we see in overview report . I attached a screenshot inorder to let the people know ,what i intended to get .

In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Tim Hunt - ން
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In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

Hi Tim ,

Can you please explain me what is quiza id ??

its confusing with quiz id and quiza id . If you can elobrate regarding it .It would be great .



In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Emma Richardson - ން
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Sorry been out of the office for a while.  Just saw your message.  The sql query that Tim pointed you to should do what you need it to.  quiza is just shorthand for the quizattempts table.

In reply to Emma Richardson

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

jaswanth krishna - ން

yes i know it from the query that quizza is the shord hand for the quiz attempted table , so in order to get my normal implementation . i need to retireve the quiza id of that particular quiz (thats from quiz id ) by that individual student right ??

Let me know if i am missing a point here .

In reply to jaswanth krishna

Re: Database Query to obtain the quiz individual question responces

Emma Richardson - ން
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The quiza id in the last where statement should be all you need.  It would point to the specific attempt - you will need to find that number.  You can do that from the url of the attempt in the web interface.