SSO Login from another system using OkTech

SSO Login from another system using OkTech

Raymond Cosgrave -

My Moodle Integration Steps using OKTech and Moodle Web Services:
Create/Grab User (works)
Add User to Course (works)
 Login User via Web Service (works to an extent, described below)
Send user to course view page, logged in (works to an extent but can fail due to step above)

I am using jQuery to send a $.get() to my moodle installation (I also cannot grab the loginReturn Object because the get is sent as OPTIONS) to login the user like below (feel free to use the below URL to test, this is a development site):

This works fine for the first login however subsequent logins when:

The user hits the logout button on moodle

The user switches browsers and tries to view the course again

Makes all subsequent logins fail and send the user to the login page (the user would NOT know their password to Moodle since we are sending them from our application to Moodle "seamlessly").

I could be approaching this all wrong in terms of developing a SSO but any tips you can give me regarding the above will be greatly appreciated!