Changing the logo and favicon

Changing the logo and favicon

de către Darlene Murphy-
Număr de răspunsuri: 6

I am using Moodle 2.4 and my them is aardvark.  I want to change the logo and favicon.  I know that inside the setting for aardvark this is done somewhere, does the logo need to be a .jpg or .png and where to we change which favicon to pull in.

Thank you


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Ca răspuns la Darlene Murphy

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

de către Constance Horne-

Go to Home > Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Aardvark

There you will find the settings for that theme. I can be a .jpg or .png. The extension does not matter. You should place the logo and favicon in the pix directory of the aardvark theme, i.e. theme\aardvark\pix



Ca răspuns la Constance Horne

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

de către Darlene Murphy-

I did this and now the favicon is showing because I have to go into the theme settings and place a check in Theme designer mode. Now that is working but not the logo.  in Aardvark settings I put the logo as sitelogo.jpg and it got rid of the old on, but the one I created is not showing up.


Ca răspuns la Darlene Murphy

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

de către Constance Horne-

You also need to go to Development > Purge all caches as the old stuff may be "stuck" in your cache.

Ca răspuns la Constance Horne

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

de către Darlene Murphy-

Did this and still can not see the image I created, attaching it.sitelogo

This is a .jpg.
