Changing the logo and favicon

Changing the logo and favicon

por Darlene Murphy -
Número de respostas: 6

I am using Moodle 2.4 and my them is aardvark.  I want to change the logo and favicon.  I know that inside the setting for aardvark this is done somewhere, does the logo need to be a .jpg or .png and where to we change which favicon to pull in.

Thank you


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Em resposta à Darlene Murphy

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

por Constance Horne -

Go to Home > Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Aardvark

There you will find the settings for that theme. I can be a .jpg or .png. The extension does not matter. You should place the logo and favicon in the pix directory of the aardvark theme, i.e. theme\aardvark\pix



Em resposta à Constance Horne

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

por Darlene Murphy -

I did this and now the favicon is showing because I have to go into the theme settings and place a check in Theme designer mode. Now that is working but not the logo.  in Aardvark settings I put the logo as sitelogo.jpg and it got rid of the old on, but the one I created is not showing up.


Em resposta à Darlene Murphy

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

por Constance Horne -

You also need to go to Development > Purge all caches as the old stuff may be "stuck" in your cache.

Em resposta à Constance Horne

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

por Darlene Murphy -

Did this and still can not see the image I created, attaching it.sitelogo

This is a .jpg.


Em resposta à Darlene Murphy

Re: Changing the logo and favicon

por Constance Horne -

Perhaps you should post your question in the themes forum: