Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Ken Task -
Anzahl Antworten: 6
Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers

If the internal folks are going to virtualize the Moodle instance and move it

to Windows it must be for an advantage in doing so.  What's the advantage?

Basic Moodle runs on Apache, not native to Windows, MySQL, not native to Windows, and PHP, again not really native to Windows (even though now with 2008 server once could opt to install it).

Why aren't they taking advantage of what a virtual system

(host operating system) is supposed to be able to to ... that of host guest

operating systems of any flavor ... like Ubuntu.  Your migration/move would be trivial.

My 2 'sense' (no I spelled it right!)

In answer to question, however, yes doable.  All you need off the linux box is the data directory, an sql dump, and most importantly the config.php file of your current site.  Would install a fresh Winders version of Moodle that matches current version running - you probably used the .tar.gz when installing on Ubuntu.  That make a diff?  Well, if you noticed, the download package for .zip is larger than the .tar.gz.

Best of luck!  'spirit of sharing', Ken

Als Antwort auf Ken Task

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Jeffrey Jones -

Very definitely doable. I would agree to the general tenor of the discussion here, but as many folks know, server platform selection has to yield to a lot of talking points besides the ones mentioned above. The school district I'm in will not support Linux, end of story, and I need their tech support more than I need their agreement. But we're not paying much of a price. We're still running MySQL, but otherwise are Windows/IIS, and after some herky-jerkies at the beginning of the school year, things have smoothed out on our huge install. 

Sooooo, yes, stability, but I'm fine, thanks. We aren't, however, running virtual...

Als Antwort auf Jeffrey Jones

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Translators
> The school district I'm in will not support Linux,

but spend public money?
Als Antwort auf Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Jeffrey Jones -

Sorry, Visvanath, I'm going to have to call you out on that one.

As any good iT person will tell you, the "point of sale" purchase cost of any platform represents a tiny fraction of the total cost of ownership of that platform over the life of the service it provides. In the US, many servers (and the OS's that run them) are purchased at ridiculously cheap prices due to government subsidies and other helps.

Then there's support. Our district has been a Windows-only house for over 20 years. We run something like a dozen websites and severa data management systems, all high volume, on a large collection of Windows servers (virtual or otherwise). None of the technicians in charge of making all that work have any Linux experiece. Hence installing Linux on one box creates a support instance which would require a whole new set of trained skills, maintenance, and enterprise redundancy/disaster recovery designs, all from folks whose days are pretty long already.

Hence, from a total cost of ownership standpoint, it would be difficult to make a case here. Especialy since, right now, I'm getting very good, dependable service out of a WIMP stack.

I do understand the underlying stuff here. Yes, if an IT staff would be willing to stop listening to the industry people and learn some new stuff, chances are they would benefit down the road from the wonderful Open Source way fo doing things. But I'm a high school math teacher with some computer chops, living and Moodling on the good graces of an entire IT department who has no such sensibilities.

Of course, your mileage may vary... zwinkernd

Als Antwort auf Jeffrey Jones

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Translators
Hi Jeffrey

From the amount of emotions my simple question triggered, there must be more to it than just the facts you've presented. I'm definitely not going to drag on with yet another TCO discussion. I'm through it many times. The main thing is, you're happy with the IT setup of your district. I enjoy the luxury of being able to define my IT setup, thanks to Free Software and open standards. YMMV

I don't think the OP cares about our IT environments. He has a (Windows) problem and needs a (Windows) answer. What I see is, after the "Windows-based Servers" forum was shot down https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=218412, the Windows users are scattered everywhere. If Windows is that great, there must be plenty of Windows people around to help him. You can set an example. Or do you think "Very definitely doable" is an answer?

Edit: Just checked your profile and have my doubts whether your all-Windows world is that bright, I'm sorry:
- "Moodle 2.2.4 -- trouble-shooting email problems" https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=217004
- "Re: Why do I have to keep restarting "Start Moodle.exe"?" https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=115231#p944892
Als Antwort auf Visvanath Ratnaweera

Platform morality (was Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows)

von Jeffrey Jones -

Yeah, well I sometimes dedicate too much of my life to these kinds of discussions. zwinkernd

  1. What precipitated my response was the statement "...but spend public money?..." which seems to imply that there are moral reasons against anyone selecting (and spending money on) Windows as a platform, regardless of circumstances. It was a cheap shot, for those of us who don't have options. I must admit, sometimes I can just walk through the chorus of "Why aren't you on Linux?" postings, and sometimes they just become annoying, especially when I have a problem to solve. The TCO argument probably was unnecessary, thrown in just 'cause of how many times our school district has discovered that "free is often way too expensive."
  2. Yes, Windows is less stable, and solving problems caused by the nexus of commercial and open-source platforms can be tricky. Hence my remark above, "...I would agree to the general tenor of the discussion here,.." Of course, we did manage to solve the problems you've found here (some, like the email issue, solved themselves), hence my current remarks, and my recent lack of participation in this community. But anyone who thinks there's only one right answer to everything is living somewhere else besides earth.
  3. One thing you don't get from my profile is that I am not a server geek. I'm a certified high school math teacher turned tech resource teacher who decided a while ago that online learning management was important to our 40,000-student PK-12 district's educational growth. I decided I'd rather be an ignorant support person than cede those needs to free tools on the cloud (the only other option I have), and it's been quite a ride. I do have some technical issues I've personally solved, but sometimes all I can give in the Moodle community here is encouragement and shot-in-the-dark ideas.
  4. And, again, that means I'm completely beholden to our district IT staff, who are generally Microsoft certified technicians. They (and I) won't be learning Linux any time soon...wish I had the time, but I don't.

As an aside, my state's public education system is one of the biggest Microsoft "clouds" out there. The state Department of Education currently uses Live@EDU to host our email and cloud storage (that's for every adult AND child in the state education system), and we're moving to Office365 next month. There are lots of moral, ethical, fiscal, and use issues we could discuss ad nauseum there, but these decisions are made about 50 levels above me, so it would be completely moot.

As for "...If Windows is that great, there must be plenty of Windows people around to help..." I'm not sure this forum is a good test, since proprietary platforms are not well supported (or well liked) here. Well, duh! zwinkernd There are probably LOTS of Windows Server users out there who don't participate here.

I really do appreciate the Open Source international community, and participate in it when I can. Our district runs Moodle, Mahara, and Wordpress, three platforms coming from this movement. But I can tell you that the technicians in my district do not participate much, besides Google-searching it. Not because it would not be of benefit, but because their workday is 99% proprietary. When big tech problems happen in that world, there's a phone number they call.

This is neither right nor wrong, it just is.

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled tech forum...

Als Antwort auf Ken Task

Re: Upgrading from Moodle 2.1.1 on Linux to Moodle 2.3 (or 4) on Windows

von Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Translators
Hi Martin

In case you can hear in this shouting, Ken's explanation above together with the wiiki page http://docs.moodle.org/21/en/Moodle_migration has all the information you need.

Well, you want to do two things. The second one is http://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Upgrading_to_Moodle_2.3.

Caution: Generally, it is not a good idea to do two things together.