1.0 beta release!

Moodle 1.0 beta 1 is ready!

Martin Dougiamas -
Vastausten määrä: 0
Well, after a lot of work Moodle is finally at the stage where all the features I wanted in version 1.0 are in place. Most notable is the new Assignments module and student tracking, but I've also restructured practically all of the code to make Moodle easier to use, easier to maintain and and easier to develop.

Moodle 1.0 beta 1 is available from the download page: http://moodle.com/mod/reading/view.php?id=8

At this point I'm going to ignore the urge to add features for two weeks and focus on:
  • polishing up any defects that are found in the beta
  • completing the English translation hymy and
  • expanding the documentation and demos.
so that Moodle 1.0 final is solid and friendly.

Thanks to all those of you who have offered feedback so far - it really helps keep me hard at work on this!
