Feedback Analysis - Excel Export

Feedback Analysis - Excel Export

av Paul P. -
Antall svar: 2

Is there any way to change the way information is displayed in the excel export?  Currently, all responsed are grouped together by question.  For example, it currently displays as this:

lasname Last Name Smith
firstname First Name Jane

I think it would be useful if we had the option to group them by repsonse - in other words, make the first row the name of the field and each subsequent row to contain a complete response, such as:

First Name Last Name
Jane Smith
John Doe
Bob Lee

Does anyone know how to go about doing this?

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Som svar til Paul P.

Re: Feedback Analysis - Excel Export

av Emma Richardson -
Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers

Are you looking at the detail tab in the spreadsheet?

Som svar til Emma Richardson

Re: Feedback Analysis - Excel Export

av Paul P. -

Wow - didn't even see that there.  I guess I'm still expecting csv downloads that have single tabs.

Thank you so much!