Alternate Login URL

Alternate Login URL

Darren Goodman
Number of replies: 1

Tried to setup the alternate login url... I copied and pasted my main moodle domain string. That created a "lock out of Site" problem. Some please HELP!


(This is the message that the browser gives me after I click login)

Too many redirects occurred trying to open “”. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page.


I dont know how to fix this so now I'm locked out of my site. Can someone please help me? 

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In reply to Darren Goodman

Re: Alternate Login URL

Ken Task
Particularly helpful Moodlers 사진

In the config.php file of the site add the following line to regain access:


This 'blanks' the URL (sets it to nothing) and overrides the setting in the mdl_config table

Use phpMyAdmin or similar tool to edit the mdl_config table and remove
the setting for 'alternateloginurl'.

Then comment out the added line in the config.php file by putting // in front.  Why leave it?  Well, it appears you want to use an alternate login URL for some reason and if one begins to 'tinker' again with this feature and the next attempt also fails (resulting in lockout), it will enable acquiring accesss again should changes don't work again.

BTW, you might want also to put a 'blank' index.html file in your series7 directory to prevent curiosity seekers from seeing the file and using that to see exactly what version of Moodle 2 you are running.

'spirit of sharing', Ken