Uploading users .csv file

Uploading users .csv file

על ידי Yannick Bogaert בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 5

Hi everyone,

i'm trying to upload a batch of users but I allways get the following error:

Error occur during loading CSV file!


I've checked the forum and google for a solution but no luck.
Any idea what could be the problem? I have included the file.





(Edited by Dan Poltawski to remove private credentials - original submission Thursday, 6 December 2012, 11:05 PM)

ממוצע דרוגים: -
בתגובה ל: Yannick Bogaert

Re: Uploading users .csv file

על ידי Cameron Penna בתאריך

users rdi and rma both have é style letters in name and email address.

moodle csv is treating those as a ' which breaks the import.

I've attached those 2 lines in a repaired state for comparison.


(Edited by Dan Poltawski to remove private credentials - original submission Friday, 7 December 2012, 6:35 AM)

בתגובה ל: Yannick Bogaert

Re: Uploading users .csv file

על ידי Dan Poltawski בתאריך

I have edited your post because it seems you posted CSV files with real email addresses and passwords in it. Please be careful about sharing private data like this.

(Thanks to Visvanath Ratnaweera for pointing this out)
בתגובה ל: Dan Poltawski

Re: Uploading users .csv file

על ידי Yannick Bogaert בתאריך

Thanks Dan,

completely overlooked that.

I have changed those 2 users but still i get the error.
Any idea what else could be the problem?




בתגובה ל: Yannick Bogaert

Re: Uploading users .csv file

על ידי Cameron Penna בתאריך

I assure you the problem is solely related to those 2 lines as I dummy uploaded your file to my standalone moodle.

If it still fails you may have missed some.

From memory (as i've deleted the file) there were 3.

rdi had one in the first name

rma had one in the first name and one in the email address.

Whilst I agree with Dan in the removal of the 'private' information. Having seeing the data, uploading the file without the private details in this instance would have resulted in no-one finding the fault.