Semantic web

Re: Semantic web

av Richard Price -
Antall svar: 3

Hi Lukas,

In what way do you want Moodle to be semantic or more semantic-web ish?
Much of the data within moodle, has activities related to people as well as documents or media etc. In that Moodle works largely from a database there is already an ontology (naming and categorisation) applied to the data & users contained within. Further, The more recent Repositories allows items or objects "to be" and referenced to by moodle where ever they reside on the Web. Flickr , Youtube & Mediawiki are obvious examples.

Some objects within Moodle exist within a namespace a course and category already and as such have "ontologies" associated with them, and the oft seen breadcrumb trail and navigation blocks provide a contextual ontology though not as such coded within the page, but displaying the categorisation in the main screen.

Further work is I gather being done to enable Moodle as an LTI provider and client which in some way provides Moodle courses and activities as a semantic object addressable and usable by another system to transfer information and actions across the web. The most likely path to contribute to Moodle in a semantic-web way would surely be to enhance its connected-ness to the rest of the world: repositories, Links, sharing, hubs.

Given that Moodle is most often used with a logon to access, I would doubt the value of developing a module on its inside. Maybe focus on the linking abilities to and from the rest-of-world.

Som svar til Richard Price

Re: Semantic web

av Lukas Ferko -

I need it for one project at school. So, it is not possible to "connect" courses a their resources with owl/rdf ? It is new for me and on the internet is so little information.

Som svar til Lukas Ferko

Re: Semantic web

av Rogers Bhalalusesa -

I am also interested in connecting Moodle to my own repository using Semantic Web.  Which Semantic Model is currently being used by Moodle? I need to develop a semantic web model to show how this is done.

Som svar til Lukas Ferko

Re: Semantic web

av George Abraham -

@Lukas Ferko and @Rogers Bhalalusesa:

What is the application that you are trying to build? Why do you want to connect Moodle to your Semantic Web application?

As mentioned above, Moodle has a abstract structure. What you can do is create customizations in Moodle and then use data extracted from Moodle into your own RDF to again provide customizations, for e.g. say adaptivity in a course based on some data fetched from Moodle.