OK_Tech White Screen

OK_Tech White Screen

Andrew Akhtar -
Vastausten määrä: 1


I've installed the Ok tech web service.  I added the local folder to my Moodle root and then added the oktech folder and wspp folder as per the instructions.  It appears to have installed correctly after notification, but when I click on

Site Administrator/Plugins/Web Services/Api Documentation


I get a blank white page.  I get the same when I try and add functions to a custom service.

Any ideas



Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus Andrew Akhtar

Re: OK_Tech White Screen

Andrew Akhtar -

I managed to get the problem fixed. I placed the wspp folder for OKtech webservices in the wrong place.  I think I followed an older installation process.

Everything is working fine now.


Arviointien keskiarvo:Useful (1)