Modify Quickmail Block to permit copying to a site admin

Modify Quickmail Block to permit copying to a site admin

Larry Elchuck -
Vastausten määrä: 0
I have a unique situation. Instructors send a copy of a report to students using the Quickmail block. A site admin collates the reports by locating them in an uploaded file area (after they are also uploaded to that location by the instructor). I would like to modify the code in the Quickmail block to have some (or all) messages sent to students to also be sent to this site admin. The email address can be hard-coded (eg. It could be setup like choosing to send a copy to the message author (using a radio button approach), or by simply including the code to have all messages copied to this admin. Would actually prefer the radio button approach of selective copying to the hard-coded admin. Can you suggest a change in the code (of quickmail/mail.php I think) thatmight allow me to do this? Thanks in advance.
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