Insert html templates

Re: Insert html templates

Nosūtīja Lorena de la Flor
Atbilžu skaits: 0


The size of the window is defined in /lib/editor/dialog.js at line 41, maybe you didn't replace the file. I attach it again, just in case I forgot to do it in my first post.

I have found the problem, dialog.js must be in \moodle\lib\editor not inside popups as I included in the zip structure.

The templates that I have made are very simple, and just with tables (I am not web designer so probably it could be done better). But any one can create their own templates to fix their needs.

Of course with xhtml and css it will be better, nicer and accesible ...

I wanted this not only for the style but algo to include certain template of contents. For example, Template "Introduction" with some fixed paragraphs: intro, objetives, bibliography, ...
