Bigbluebutton recordings not showing

Bigbluebutton recordings not showing

por dan attwood -
Número de respostas: 1

I've got the big blue button module and the recording module installed. The main module works fine and I can create a dn join romms no problems. I can't seem to get the recording module to work though. If I set the recording box and the join the room it tells me that the room is set to record. 

However when i log out of the room it shows that it's recording and allow me to close the romm and kick the other participants. However i then can see anywhere to click in order to get at the recording. There are no links, no nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

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Em resposta à dan attwood

Re: Bigbluebutton recordings not showing

por dan attwood -

Ahh found it.


I hadn't added the bigbluebutton recordings activity to the course