Email notifications - 2.0.8+

Email notifications - 2.0.8+

von Sarah Jane -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Hi there, can anyone help me please, I seem to be going around in circles. I want to receive emails when a student registers in a course and when they submit their work. I understand this is a feature that moodle can do.

1. I have ensured the getnotifications are all checked.

2. I have added the cron job and see that is running ok.

3. I am receiving the notifications when a student registers to my site but nothing else.

Am I expecting too much? Can anyone tell me what I have missed please.

Sarah x

Als Antwort auf Sarah Jane

Re: Email notifications - 2.0.8+

von Sarah Jane -

Can anyone, please help? I really would liek to understand why I am not receiving any emails when a student registers in a course or completes their work.

Looking forward to hearing from anyone.

Sarah x

Als Antwort auf Sarah Jane

Re: Email notifications - 2.0.8+

von Derek Chirnside -

I think there is no built in notification in 2.x when a student self enrols in your course.  See  I don't know of a solution to this in GIT at the moment.

As to "3. I am receiving the notifications when a student registers to my site but nothing else" I presume you are using Itamars plugin.

Good luck
