Varnish Config

Varnish Config

Napisane przez: Justin Hunt ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 2
Obraz Particularly helpful Moodlers Obraz Plugin developers

Does anyone have a copy of a Varnish config file they are using on Moodle 2.x?

I can't get it to cache anything at all. I can see Varnish is working, but it just passes all requests to the backend and caches nothing.



W odpowiedzi na Justin Hunt

Re: Varnish Config

Napisane przez: dan attwood ()

I'm seeing the same thing so if any one has any ideas or configs to share then that would be great

W odpowiedzi na dan attwood

Re: Varnish Config

Napisane przez: dan attwood ()

I got some hits by adding the below to the /etc/varnish/defualt.vcl

sub vcl_recv { if (req.url ~ "^/(theme|pix|blocks|lib)/") { unset req.http.Cookie; } }


I'm guessogn there must be more that can be added somewhere