course size report moodle 2.3.2

course size report moodle 2.3.2

dan attwood - ން
Number of replies: 6

hi does anyone have a link or instructions for a course size report that works with moodle 2.3.2?

I've tries the one in the Moodle plugins directory but that only seems to support moodle 1.9

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In reply to dan attwood

Re: course size report moodle 2.3.2

Howard Miller - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ

Me to....

It's on my TODO list to write one. However, it's not that simple any more as the file space is now 'shared'. So, a course size report does not necessarily tell you how much space you'd get back if you (say) deleted the course.

Would a report showing you the largest files site-wide not be more useful?

In reply to Howard Miller

Re: course size report moodle 2.3.2

Dan Marsden - ން
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we have one but we haven't released it publicly as it needs a bit of a tidy to be used by everyone.

It will need a little bit of work to be completely usable for you - we run some internal processes that calculate the full filesize of a moodle site and then store that in the config table for each site - the code looks there to get the full filesize first and if it can't find it uses 'du' to calculate the filesize each pageload (which is really inefficient) - it wouldn't take much to modify the script to store that calculated filesize in the same config vars we use so that it doesn't run each page load. There may also be other more efficient ways of calculating the full filesize for moodledata but we haven't spent any time on that as we don't use that code on our sites.

It hasn't been extensively tested but it should provide a close estimate of the filesizes involved in a course - but it's important to note that if the same file is used in more than one course it will be counted in the filesize report for each course so deleting from one course won't necessarily free up that same space on disk.

If anyone does do the work to improve it - please send through a pull request for the code so we can update it!

In reply to Dan Marsden

Re: course size report moodle 2.3.2

Howard Miller - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ

That's really cool. I'll have a proper look at it over the next few days.

In reply to Dan Marsden

Re: course size report moodle 2.3.2

Derek Chirnside - ން

I know I am duplicating a little posting here, but is there any other version of the report or any updates?

I think NZ Moodle in schools had a report at some stage.

Howard has posted here:

I'm finding this issue quite complex.

Wanted: simple reporting on disk useage, backups file sizes, private files, courses sizes and 'big' file sizes  Nothing complex, but I know this is not trivial.


In reply to Howard Miller

Re: course size report moodle 2.3.2

dan attwood - ން

To honest I think both types of reports could be useful.

A here are the biggest files type report would be useful to finding large backups etc

A here are the biggest courses would be great to ping at tutors and give them to delete old stuff, assignments etc