Wordwrap Not Working after Upgrade

Wordwrap Not Working after Upgrade

od Blair F. -
Število odgovorov: 0
Slika Particularly helpful Moodlers

I don't know if this would be the correct forum for this, since I don't know if it's the HTML editor or something else that's causing the problem.

Since upgrading from 1.9.x to 2.2.x our "pages" have scrollbars rather than wordwrapping at the end of the window.  They eventually DO wordwrap, but it has nothing to do with the size of the window.  I see that the old "web page" resource had many more options under the "Window" section of the settings.  The settings are now under "Options" and there are very few of them.

Any ideas on how we can fix this so wordwrap works the way it should, again?


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