Moodle vs Yahoo Groups

Moodle vs Yahoo Groups

von John Araújo -
Anzahl Antworten: 1


I need all the reasons you can find in order to convince my teacher using Moodle instead of Yahoo. Plz contribute.

Als Antwort auf John Araújo

Re: Moodle vs Yahoo Groups

von Colin Fraser -
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Yahoo Groups are not a learning management system. AFAIK, it is, essentially, only a repository that can be used to host documents and communicate with a member of a group. YG is a tool that can be used inside a Moodle, much like Google Docs. It is basic filesharing stuff, which makes it ordinary. Google Docs can do that, as can Dropbox and so many other tools.

It has been my experience that someone finds something that meets a need, in this case Yahoo Groups. They are happy that it works and are reluctant to change from it to something that might work better. People need some incentive to look for something else, in this case, a more responsive tool that can be used to not only put documents, but also to communicate, to show assignments in different formats, to receive uploaded assignments, to host quizzes and to store grades.

So no point is saying "Moodle is better" point out that "We need something that we can run online quizzes and have a gradebook to store results- Yahoo Groups can't do that... Ahh, I know, how about Moodle?"  Change the perceptable need.