Meta Course Enrolments Moodle 2.2 not updating

Meta Course Enrolments Moodle 2.2 not updating

от Peter Kemp -
Количество ответов: 1


We have updated from 1.9 to 2.2 and have several meta courses set up.  This morning we added people to a meta course that child courses inherit from.  However, the people did not appear to be enrolled on the child courses.

The way we got around this was to:

1.  open the child course
2. Settings -> Users -> Enrolment methods -> Manual Enrolments
3. Click on the 'eye' next to the Course meta link (course name). to disable it
4. Click on the 'eye' again to reenable it

When we did the the number of Users listed increased from 71 to 85, the number of new users we added to the meta course.  This manual process fixed it, ubt surely we don't have to do this for each of the 185 courses we have linked to a meta course?  Is this a bug?  What are we doing wrong?