LDAP Enrollment and department filtering

Re: LDAP Enrollment and department filtering

Arthur Van Resseghem
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Hi I am currently using LDAP to authenticate our students and add them to courses based on there cohort ID.  I have found a plugin http://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=auth_mcae that allows you to set a field in LDAP that can be matched to a cohort ID and automactically enroll the student in the cohort as they login.  I have then added the cohorts to the relevant course depending on the cohort ID.  Note: cohorts can be added to muitple courses so you could have a attribute in LDAP say 'department' and set the vaule to the cohort ID 'compliance' then add the cohort ID to the courses that the users needs to be enrolled in e.g. comp01, comp02, comp03...   hope this helps 미소